Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My week

After work I went home got about a 2 mile walk in with my husband . Later we went to town and grabbed a chicken sandwich ( I was to pooped to cook ) and they were only .99 cents .About 8:00 we went and picked Austin up from his last tennis match and went home . I took a long bath, watched a little t.v and went to bed.

Wednesday - I got up cleaned the house some and done a few clothes before heading out to work . I have a doctors appointment today @ 4:00 to check the baby and to do a sugar test ( Standard baby stuff ). I have to drink a pint of glucose prior to going . Hopefully my sugar will be normal . I don't have a lot planned for today after work since it is a church night . I am hoping to make it home in time to get a walk in if I can get supper cooked fast enough.

Turkey sandwich on honey wheat thins W/Dr. Kraker & Cheese

Dessert = Blueberries with Plain yogurt


Melinda said...

The sandwich and yogurt dessert look yummy- you are doing great on eating healthy!!