Baby room /construction @ my house
Baby Dresser ( same one my son used 11 years ago .
Baby dress my husbabnd bought for Olivia.
Wicker hope chest for baby
Rug bought @ consignment and the chair in the corner a friend gave me
We had to do a little patch work .
Hallway to Austin & Baby's room We still have another coat of paint to put on it. THe paint is called cowslip . It will be the same color we use in the kitrchen .
Hallway again .
Austins bathroom .
Front of my moms house . Here is the what we did this weekend on her flower beds. We did a lot of lilies and some amorillas ( they are red and should really make the bed POP! )
Other bed in the front of my moms . We still have the back part to do .
My brother is building a booth at my moms for the kids to sit at when they come over .Here is the start of it the table should be completed this week . The kids were testing it out. My sister & I have decided we are going to order McDonalds as soon as it is done so they can test it out.
The baby room looks amazing!!!
Thanks!!! It was alot of work but we got it done!!Now for the baby !!!
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