Monday, March 1, 2010


Friday - Spent the day cleaning the house and trying to get it organized , I even got around to organizing my closet .I still have so much more to organize but 1st I need to get rid of some things . I hand washed a pile of baby toys a friend gave me . I have enough toys for the 1st 2 years . loL! My husband and I worked on the baby room some, it is close to being done we need to put one more coat on the ceiling . Pictures are coming soon I promise!

Saturday - husband & son went to the drag races with some friends, they left the house at 7:30 and didn't get home until 10:00 that night . I was invited but at almost 5 1/2 months preggo I figured standing around all day might be a little rough on me. I got up straightened the house some and organized some baby clothes into a chest of drawers and cooked myself a bite to eat . I called my mom and made plans to go see her. My plans were to get started on a double wedding ring quilt hand made...... my mom made one for my son almost 12 years ago and it was his favorite so I wanted my daughter to have one as well. I got to her house around 10:00 a.m and we got started picking the colors out. We even started piecing it together before leaving ... it is so pretty ! We cooked a pot of chicken soup ( so GOOD) and went to my brothers house and did some laundry for him , he was on the way home from having neck surgery . He got home at 5 'ish I built him a fire and visited for a while and went back to my moms . I left her house at 7:15 , I took some pieces home and sewed all that I had . Quilting can be a little addictive and so relaxing . I can not wait to see what this quilt looks like when it is complete. I built myself a fire to knock the chill off and took a long bath and went to bed.

Sunday - was church all day and after church me , husband and son went out to eat with 2 couples.... I ate too much . Afterwards we went to see a friend at the hospital .Then we went home to paint the white baby bed my sister gave me ( it is going to be espresso brown same color as an antique dresser I already have . I can't wait to see everything all pulled together ... I have a feeling it will be beautiful! Back to church and then home to hit the couch ! lol! I was exhausted.


Melinda said...

Sounds like you've been busy!! I can't wait to see the quilt!

Becky said...

I know I can't wait either!